Reach Millions of Individuals Across 1000s of Premium News Sites Online
Get featured on: Google News, AOL, ABC, FOX, NBC, CBS, CNN Money, Bloomberg & More
Have a PR Strategist Draft, Review, Optimize
& Distribute Your Press Release to Major News Outlets
Maximize exposure with your own dedicated PR expert & a customized distribution plan targeted to your audience

Dedicated Press & Media Expert
Work with a PR team that “gets it”. Our media specialists are experts at crafting engaging content that gets your company, brand or product the attention it deserves.
We handle all the work while you sit back in the editor’s chair, having final approval over the final press release prior to distribution.
- SEO Optimized
- Tailored to your industry and audience
- Expertly curated content that engages and captivates
- Targeted distribution plans (GEO, Niche, etc)

Targeted Media Distribution
Affordable and Impactful
- Target National or Global News Outlets
- Target Local & Regional Media
- Target Media by industry and vertical
- Target Journalists Looking for Newsworthy Content

Google, Yahoo & Bing News
Our team are experts at search engine optimized content. We make sure your content is engineered for BOTH humans and crawlers.
Google News alone sends over 6 BILLION clicks per month to businesses and websites just like yours. Let our team craft and distribute a PR that earns you the visibility and brand awareness you deserve.
With all that traffic up for grabs, you can’t afford not to take advantage of it. Further, being published on TRUSTED news sources like Google News will help your brand gain credibility, increasing conversion rates and sales.
Media & News Affiliate Network
Our distribution plans include publication and/or submission to over 450+ national and local media news outlets, including major media like: ABC, FOX, NBC, CBS, The Associated Press, and more…

“Newsworthy” Content
Reporters see 1000s of press releases hit their desks every, single, day. We help you break through that “noise” with a truly unique and “noteworthy” piece of content that grabs attention and demands to be published.
Most PRs drop off the radar after the first week of publication…but not ours. When compared to your standard PR, our publications earn you visitors for weeks after publication.
Result: more traffic, greater exposure, and a steady increase of backlinks!
We send your Press Release to ABC, CBS, CNBC, Google News and thousands of other premium news sites & publications
Get published on some of the largest news sites and search engines on the planet!
*Publication is subject to editorial approvals

Media Publication Guarantee
We cannot control the publication of your PR by other news sites and journalists.
However, we are so confident in our ability to deliver that we’ll guarantee your press release
will appear on at least 300 media sites or we’ll give you a 100% refund.
*Most customers experience MUCH better results.
Powerful Distribution
Professional researched and written press release, detailed analytics, & “live” link report
Press Booster
(writing included)-
500+ News & Media Sites
Guaranteed 300+ site publication
Detailed Distribution Report
FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS and More
Sent to Major Search Engines
Sent to Major News Aggregates
Sent to News Databases
Social Media Distribution
Sent to 1000s of Journalists & bloggers
Sent to Industry & Local News Feeds
Sent to Associated Press (AP)
Major Media Outlet Distribution
Syndicated to Target Niche Media
Sent to Niche Journalists & Bloggers
Sent to Industry Specific Media Outlets
GEO Targeting (if requested)
US, AU, UK, & India Options
Up to 3 images (plus logo)
Up to 4 Backlinks
Video Embed (if provided)
Press Rocket
(writing included)-
Saves You $79.99!!!
Everything in the Engage & Booster Press Release Packages
Sent to 560+ Media and News Sites
Guaranteed 320+ Published -
Powerful Mix of DOFOLLOW & NOFOLLOW Backlinks for an Impressive SEO Boost
MASSIVE Exposure
550 Million+ Potential Reach -
Expertly Written by Talented Journalists
Advanced SEO Optimization
Combine Two Ultra-powerful services into one incredible opportunity for brand exposure, visibility, authority, traffic, and search engine optimization.
Crush the competition.
Press Engage
(writing included)-
60+ Major Media Partnerships
Unprecedented DOFOLLOW backlinks
Guaranteed 60-180 backlinks
Detailed Distribution Report
Powerful SEO Boost
Proprietary Authority Signal Engine
High Authority Backlinks
FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS and More
Sent to Major Search Engines
Inclusion of Social Profiles & Signals
Google Maps Embed (if provided)
Service Area GMBs Supported
Additional GEO Targeting (if requested)
Niche/Category Targeting
Up to 3 Images (plus logo)
Up to 4 Backlinks
Video embed (if provided)
What Our Customers are Saying About Us
We don’t like to brag, but our customers do…

Frequently Asked Questions
In its simplest form, a press release is a piece of “news” content that follows a specific set of editorial guidelines and practices. The release is then published and/or distributed through or on newswires and media publications. It is also sometimes sent to or shared with newsdesks, publicists, journalists, and in some cases, influencers and bloggers.
Press releases may also be called a “news release”, “media release” or “press statement”, though they all mean the same thing.
The major differences are in the places where the release will be sent to, promoted and published on, as well as the type of backlinks (important for SEO).
Media Newswire: Guaranteed 300+ live publications. Includes major news and media networks. Backlinks are mostly (if not all) “nofollow”. These links are still important for SEO, but perform differently than “dofollow links”.
Media Engage: Direct relationships with 60+ major media and news sites. Guaranteed publication on 40 or more sites. Backlinks are “dofollow”, and often preferred for SEO purposes.
Media Rocket: Combines both the Media Newswire and the Media Engage package into one MASSIVE media distribution and marketing package. All at a steep discount.
Depending on the package chosen, your press release will be sent to hundreds or thousands of major media and news outlets on a local, national and global level.
This includes exposure to thousands of news desks, editors, journalists, newscasters, TV and radio stations, newspapers, magazines, news aggregates, blogs, and more.
Some targets of our packages include Google News, Bing News, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX affiliates, Reuters, Dow Jones, News World, Lexis Nexis, News Bank, Zemanta,, and more.
Yes. Your release will be written by our in-house team of trained journalists, authors, and professional bloggers at no extra cost.
Yes. In fact, it is a mandatory requirement for compliance that you or an authorized person approve the press release draft prior to publication, signing off on its contents and taking responsibility for the message it delivers. In the event that edits are necessary, you will be able to communicate those to us and we will revise the draft as necessary. Edited versions of the release will need to be approved a second time prior to publication.
Media contact information (such as first + last name, phone number and email) are all a mandatory requirement of news and media sites. This information can be that of a client that you represent (with proper authorization), yourself, your company/brand or your agency.
In the event that you would like us to us OUR contact information in lieu of yours, please let us know.
Presuming it meets the required editorial guidelines for the distribution package you want to submit to, yes. Reach out to us for a flat rate quote on distribution only.
We reserve the right to reject any release submitted to us based on quality standards. If edits are necessary, we will provide a price quote to make the release suitable for distribution and subsequent publication.
Common Press Release Topics Include:
Announcements: Such as a new product/service or brand launch, the opening of a new office, new hiring spree, update to website, new business strategy, and more.
Industry Hot Topics: These news pieces can also be leveraged to highlight a specific industry-related issue, highlighting the problem, offering a solution (i.e. your offers) and positioning your brand as an authoritative resource in the space.
Special Offers: Such as a limited-time discount or product, or seasonal sale or discount.
General News: Any topic that is in some way news or noteworthy.
Expose: A piece that centers on your business or the story behind your brand and offerings and what you do in your market.
DON’T THINK YOU HAVE ANYTHING “NEWSWORTHY” TO TALK ABOUT? NEED HELP COMING UP WITH AN IDEA? – Our team can help. Give us a call or drop us a line today. We’d be happy to help you come up with the perfect pitch/story.
Press releases are meant to be short, decisive and succinct, making them easily digestible for readers that often skim a number of news stories daily.
Our testing over the years has determined that Press Releases ranging in word count from 450-650 words generally perform the best.
Short answer: no. Your press release cannot be a blatant advertorial or sales piece for your business or offers.
However, our team can expertly craft an engaging piece of content that “soft sells” your offers, and positions your brand as a trustworthy, authoritative industry leader that they should take note of.
Yes. If you have any questions or concerns about the prohibited list below, please refer to our editorial guidelines and/or reach out to us to see if we can accommodate your needs. Some items on the prohibited list can be accommodated on a case by case basis.
We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to refuse writing and/or publication, distribution or fulfillment of any Services purchased for businesses, individuals, websites, purposes or content that is deemed to be:
- Libelous in Nature
- Has harmful intent
- Consists of sexually explicit topics or material
- Involves litigation or legal cases
- Affiliate marketing (i.e. using affiliate links to promote a product in a press release)
- For the express purpose of blatant advertisement
- Promoting unsafe or dangerous products, services or supplements
- About online pharmaceuticals or drugs
- About making money or MLM schemes
- Promoting or disseminating false information
- Related to gambling
- Related to Payday loans
- Involving unverified celebrity endorsements
- About cryptocurrency
- Outright SPAM
- Promoting or informing about investments, partnerships, business deals, acquisitions, venture capital or private equity
- Copied news or material (i.e. plagiarized)
- Stock or investment recommendations
- Opinion pieces on publicly traded companies
- Pirated or unauthorized premium video streaming or download sites
- Blackhat SEO or marketing
- Anything that is or promotes anything illegal
Further information and clarification regarding the above restrictions can be found in our Editorial Guidelines.
Absolutely! Adding media is a great way to help your Press Release Stand out in the crowd, as well as connect and engage with your audience.
All of our press packages allow you to include a logo, a number of images, video and even a Google Map embed.
Because of our favorable relationships with major media, each package has a varying guarantee as to the number of publications that will pick up and publish your release. If we don’t hit the mark, your press release is on us.
However, we want to remind you that we do not have any third-party control over other websites or major media stations. As such, we cannot guarantee which specific sites will or will not opt to publish each of your releases. That said, we have a great working relationship with our distribution partners which increases the chances that your release will make it to primetime on your desired publications.
Every press release package we offer comes with a detailed report. The specifics of your particular report will depend on the type of package you have chosen, but at a minimum will include information on where your release was reported, including links to those pages.
Because we utilize multiple distribution channels, data between reports may vary. For example, news desks such as Reuters provide us with interesting stats such as “time spend on page” of your release, whereas FOX and ABC affiliates for example only provide us with a live link and traffic numbers.
Press Releases provide a myriad of benefits for your business, brand, and offers. We cover these in detail on our “Benefits” page HERE.
Quick Overview of Benefits:
- Generate newsworthy buzz and excitement
- Leverage major media to reach an audience of millions
- Earn laser targeted traffic to your web pages from prospects that want to learn more
- Legally use the coveted “As Seen On” major media section on your website
- Instill trust and increase brand authority in your industry
- Improve conversion rates by enhancing brand perception
- Earn hundreds of high authority backlinks to your website
- Improve rankings on Google
- Control the narrative of your brand
- Proactively combat negative press
- Promote your brand’s persona
- And more…
Absolutely. Press releases represent one of the few “white hat” techniques that is both impactful and affordable. When done right, mass media coverage won’t put your website at risk from a Google Penalty, but can help earn you top rankings on search.
Each of our press release packages earns you a wide range of authoritative and powerful backlinks from news and media outlets. Each of these backlinks is like a digital “vote” for your webpage, helping it rank higher on Google for your targeted keywords.
Unlike other providers, we are one of the few press agencies that have distribution options that include DOFOLLOW backlinks. By default, standard newswires moved to “nofollow” links a number of years back. But through our unique relationships we have been able to lock in DOFOLLOW links for some of our packages, passing even more “link juice” and SEO power to your target sites.
That said, even “nofollow” links have been proven to provide SEO value for ranking, link diversity, citation boosts, link velocity, anchor text dilution or manipulation and more.
Absolutely! Links are a great way to drive traffic to your website and give your web properties a major boost in SEO. Each of our packages allows a number of backlinks in the body of your Press Release, as well as an additional link to the homepage of your business in the “media contact” section.
Unlike some other agencies, we allow you do link out to multiple (different) web properties in your release. Meaning you can link to your service page, power up a guest post, link to a sales page and more all within the same release.
When possible, and when provided we also enhance your release with social media links, citations, and Google My Business embeds (for local businesses).
Turnaround times vary based on demand but generally follow the following timeline per package:
Media Newswire: Rough draft provided within 5 business days. Once a draft has been approved by you, we can generally get the release live and published within 1 business day and a report delivered to you 1 business day after that.
Media Engage: Rough draft provided within 5 business days. Once a draft has been approved by you, we can generally get the release live and published within 2-3 business days and a report sent over 2-3 business days after that.
YES! Timing can be important. Once you have approved the draft of your Press Release for publication, you can submit a desired date and time for publication.
*Please note that the actual date and time of publication may vary depending on a number of factors. We do NOT guarantee that it will be published on or before your desired date/time, but that we will make a good faith effort to have it published as close to that desired date/time as possible.
All press releases are subject to the editorial guidelines and the independent review of each media or news outlet or publisher.
Occasionally, press releases are “rejected”, or edits requested. In such cases, these edits must be made prior to “re-submission”. In the event that your press release is rejected, we will communicate to you the reason why, and suggest modifications to satisfy the editorial request.
Once edits are made, we will ask for your approval again before re-submitting for publication.
It Depends.
In most cases and for all but one of our packages, the answer is “No”. Once published, your press release quickly goes live across hundreds (if not thousands) of major media outlets and websites. Other websites also may pick up your release via RSS feeds and other methodologies. Neither we, nor you, have control over these independent third party websites, and as such, editing to existing press releases is not possible.
That said, publications through our Media Engage package have some aspects which we may be able to edit “post-publication”. These include updates to your business and contact details, Google Map, images, links and body content of the release. Edits are made on a case by case basis and are subject to an additional editorial and republication fee per our terms of service.
In some cases, there may be a window of time where we are able to “stop” a press release that is “under review” by editors, but has not yet hit various newswires. If you need to submit a stop request after approval of the content, but before publication, please do so as quickly as possible.
Because the window of time available for “stoppage” is SMALL and not guaranteed, we cannot, nor do we guarantee, that we will be able to process your Stop Request before publication.
Please read our Terms of Service for detailed information regarding the “removal” of a Press Release, or contact us directly to set up a meeting to discuss available options.